On Friday 8th May, KTS held the Year 10 Employability Skills Day, attended by the full year group.
There were over 25 external visitors for the day, delivering workshops, interviews and presentations on aspects of attending interviews and securing a new job.
Companies represented on the day included Tesco, Waitrose, John Lewis, John O’Conner, Altro, Willmott Dixon, Airbus, and many individuals who volunteered their time to help our students.
Workshops were designed to give an insight into preparing for an interview, handling questions, presenting yourself, and working in teams.
The external volunteers used the same techniques as used within their business environment and students got a true feel for the selection process.
The students participated with great enthusiasm, entering into the spirit of the day, and gaining some great guidance and experience.
The interviewers and observers didn’t hold back and certainly gave constructive feedback on what they saw, which certainly drove the points home. Many of our students were highly commended and several employers identified individuals who had passed the process with flying colours, and would have been given job offers.
This was a highly interactive day, with each student taking part in five activities.
As the day drew to a close, everyone had learnt a lot about working with others, the recruitment process and themselves.
All the employers said what a great day they had enjoyed, and how positive our students had been – some pupils had been the best groups they had ever worked with!