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Mr. Vallier and eleven other teachers took part in Movember this year and raised nearly £1,000 for prostate and testicular cancer.

For the last seven years Mr. Vallier has taken part in Movember to help raise awareness amongst pupils about cancer and raising money for this worthwhile cause, in the form of growing facial hair above the top lip. This year more teachers than ever before took part in this successful campaign, with over 10 teachers from various departments growing moustaches in the face of battling cancer in the UK.

Mr. Vallier was in charge of the event and he said, "The highlight was students discussing why the teachers were being grown and having heated debates to the reasons why! I take part in Movember because it has directly impacted on family members who have had prostate cancer."

Prostate cancer kills more than 10,000 men a year and 26% of cases result in death within 10 years of being diagnosed. There is no known cure for prostate cancer, but the money raised by the KTS teachers will boost research to finding a fully effective treatment.

Next year Mr. Vallier hopes to raise even more money and awareness.

"A big thank you to all staff, students, parents and the local community in donating to the KTS teams inaugural campaign."

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